21 February 2025
The ABC of Practice Management Systems: Full Series
The ABC of Practice Management Systems
In this five-part series of articles Anthony Ridley‐Smith sets out to help any Practice Manager, in any environment and with any technology, enhance their existing systems or ditch the whole thing and start again!
There is no perfect Practice Management System. All products have their strengths and weaknesses. No two firms are the same. So, what will suit one firm will be inappropriate for another. This means he can’t be too prescriptive about particular features or technology and will this be completely vendor neutral.
I love technology that makes a difference. When good technology is implemented well the results can be startling. All of us want to be involved with the winning projects. But I also know that some of you will be anxious because:
You hear the all too frequent horror stories of projects gone wrong.
You see vendors come and go.
You know that the financial commitment is often very high.
You know that you are making a significant long term decision.I hope that this series of articles gives you the skills that to manage and enhance your existing systems, or ditch the whole thing and start again.
– Anthony Ridley‐Smith, The ABC of Practice Management Systems
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