20 March 2025
2012 ALPMA/Legal People Australian HR Issues & Salary Survey
Report released on
1 May 2012

The 2013 ALPMA Australian Legal Industry Salary Survey Report, proudly sponsored by Legal People Recruitment Specialists provides a comprehensive review of salaries paid across 57 positions at legal firms in Australia. Close to 200 firms participated in this survey, making it the largest, most comprehensive salary surveys of the Australian legal industry. The survey provides highly valuable insight into salary trends for a comprehensive range of positions and experience levels at law firms across the country.
Detailed Salary Breakdowns for 57 Positions in Law Firms
The ALPMA Australian Legal Industry Salary Survey Report provides detailed salary breakdowns, showing the lowest, highest and "average" salaries paid for 57 positions at law firms, including executive management, lawyers, HR, Finance, IT and Marketing managers, paralegals and administrative staff. This is further analysed by firm size and state, so you can directly compare your compensation strategy with like firms.
+ Employment Benefits & Conditions, Salary Increases & Recruitment Intentions
The report also provides detailed information on employments benefits offered across the industry, the mix of part-time, contract, casual and full-time workers employed at law firms, plus anticipated salary increases and recruitment intentions for the next 12 months.
Need more information?
If you have any questions about the research or need assistance, please contact our research team.