legal industry research & business insights.

Report released on 12 September 2024

2024 ALPMA/Dye & Durham Australasian Changing Legal Landscape

ALPMA and 2024 Summit Principal Partner, Dye & Durham, are excited to investigate changes to the Australasian legal landscape over the past 12-months and how firms are adapting to rapid changes in the legal market. This industry research will provide insights detailing key themes and trends influencing strategy and innovation within Australasian legal community.

Strategy & Innovation
Report released on 8 September 2023

2023 ALPMA/Dye & Durham Australasian Changing Legal Landscape

ALPMA and 2023 Summit Principal Partner, Dye & Durham, are excited to investigate changes to the Australasian legal landscape over the past 12-months and how firms are adapting to rapid changes in the legal market.  This industry research will provide insights detailing key themes and trends influencing strategy and innovation within Australasian legal community.

Report Available Now
Strategy & Innovation
Report released on 31 August 2022

2022 ALPMA/Dye & Durham Australasian Changing Legal Landscape

Legal technology provider Dye & Durham and ALPMA are excited to launch our annual legal research survey in the lead up to this year’s Summit! This industry research report details key themes and trends influencing the Australian legal community.

Report Available Now
Strategy & Innovation
Report released on 30 September 2019

2019 ALPMA/GlobalX Australasian Changing Legal Landscape

The 2019 ALPMA and GlobalX Summit Research project involved surveying Australasian law firms to explore how firms are adapting to rapid change in the legal industry and establish a benchmark for firms who are potentially falling behind in future-proofing their firm.

Report Available Now
Report released on 30 September 2018

2018 ALPMA/GlobalX Australasian Changing Legal Landscape

“Are you ready for the future?” The 2018 ALPMA & GlobalX Summit research poses this question to Australasian law firms. New technologies, systems and shifts in culture are pushing law firms and the legal industry to quickly adapt. But how agile are our businesses—and how prepared are we for these changes?

Report Available Now
2017 Changing Legal Landscape
Report released on 30 September 2017

2017 ALPMA/InfoTrack Australasian Changing Legal Landscape

The ALPMA & InfoTrack 2017 Summit research measured how well Australasian law firms were embracing the key 21st century learning skills of creativity, critical-thinking, communication and collaboration, as defined by the influential P21 organisation.

Report Available Now
Report released on 30 September 2016

2016 ALPMA/InfoTrack Australasian Changing Legal Landscape

Over 160 law firms from across the region participated in this research, conducted in July 2016, and the results make fascinating reading. A key finding was a real disconnect between how innovative firms think they are and what they are actually doing in terms of investment in strategic initiatives

Report Available Now
2015 Changing Legal Landscape Research
Report released on 30 September 2015

2015 ALPMA/LexisNexis Australasian Changing Legal Landscape

The 2015 ALPMA/LexisNexis research investigated what changes (if any) Australasian law firms plan to make over the next three years to: the markets they serve; their resourcing mix; marketing and business development strategies; internal systems and processes; legal services delivery model and strategic relationships - in order to position themselves for a successful future.

Report Available Now
Report released on 30 September 2014

2014 ALPMA/LexisNexis Australasian Changing Legal Landscape

The results from the 2014 ALPMA/LexisNexis research "The Impact of the Changing Legal Landscape on Australasian Law Firms" were presented by LexisNexis at the opening session of the ALPMA Summit on Thursday 28 August at the Melbourne Crown Convention Centre.

Report Available Now