Partner Code of Conduct
We are committed to ensuring that partnering with ALPMA is a mutually beneficial experience for our partners, members and our respective organisations. ALPMA’s Partner Code of Conduct is intended to conserve and enhance the integrity of business relationships developed through contact with ALPMA members, to protect member confidentiality and respect member privacy. Accordingly, ALPMA requires its partners to comply with the principles set out in this Code of Conduct. Members also agree to a Code of Conduct.
ALPMA Partners are expected to promulgate the highest standards of ethical behaviour both within their employer businesses, and the wider business community generally. Partners must comply with all laws and regulations and must not infringe ALPMA’s trademarks and other intellectual property rights.
Partners must not make any false representations in connection with any dealings with ALPMA or its members including, but not limited to, misrepresentations of facts associated with their products or the promotion or utilisation of false documentation such as false or inaccurate records.
Partners will not disclose any confidential information acquired in the course of ALPMA events, whether or not still employed by their organisation, except when legally obliged to do so.
Respect for Member Privacy
Partners are welcome to interact appropriately and professionally with attendees at an ALPMA event and build business relationships with attendees over time. Any information about attendees provided on ALPMA registration lists or gathered by partner representatives at ALPMA functions must not to be added to partner mailing lists, unless consent has been provided by the attendee. Partners must comply with any applicable privacy legislation in relation to the personal information it collects and holds.
Monitoring and Compliance
If a partner becomes aware of a breach, or a suspected breach of this Code of Conduct, it must notify ALPMA immediately. ALPMA may also audit compliance with this Code or appoint a third party to conduct an audit. Members may report any unethical practices or inappropriate behaviour by a Partner to the relevant Branch Committee or Board for investigation and resolution. Any violations will be reported by ALPMA to the Partner’s management for their attention and, if appropriate, corrective action. ALPMA may then take any action it deems appropriate, including working with the partner to rectify the breach, suspend or terminate the applicable Partnership Agreement.