Member Code of Conduct
All members, associates and affiliates of the Australasian Legal Practice Management Association are required to comply with the Association’s Code of Professional Ethics and Conduct. All members, associates and affiliates are expected to observe the highest standards of ethical behaviour both within their employer firms and the wider business community generally. This code will be the basis by which a member, an associates or an affiliates conduct may be reviewed.
All members, associates and affiliates are obliged to avoid any activities that may damage their professional reputation and integrity. For example, engaging in activities where a conflict of interest is present, the acceptance of offers of hospitality or gifts that may compromise impartiality, engaging in or condoning dishonesty or convicted of an indictable offence or discriminatory employment practices.
All members and associates will ensure they maintain appropriate levels of professional competence and enhance existing skills through ongoing professional education and training to ensure the diligent and competent completion of responsible tasks. Professional Responsibility
All members, associates and affiliates will exercise reasonable diligence in gathering business data and information from internal and external sources and ensure that any reporting of information is done objectively in a manner which facilitates informed decision making.
No member, associate and affiliates will disclose any confidential information acquired by way of conversation, whilst attending an ALPMA function, seminar or event except when legally obliged to do so. This restriction continues to apply whether or not membership is maintained or renewed.
Unethical Behaviour
Complaints relating to unethical practices and behavior of other members, associates and affiliates must be in writing and addressed to the Chairperson of the State Branch Committee to which that member/associate belongs. The State Branch Committee will refer back to the ALPMA Board all complaints of unethical behavior and the ALPMA Board shall deal with any such complaint as it sees fit.
The ALPMA Board has the authority to suspend or cancel membership of any member, associate or affiliates if it considers such action justifiable in the circumstances. In the event the ALPMA Board suspends or cancels a membership, the portion of unused subscription fee may not be refunded.