on-demand learning centre.

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Event Recording

28 September 2022

2022 ALPMA Summit – Wrap-Up

Following what was a content rich and enjoyable Summit experience, the QLD & NSW Branch Committees wrapped up the best bits of Summit 2022. We were joined by Rafe Berding,...
Strategy & Innovation
Event Recording

10 August 2022

The Impact of Values on Attraction, Performance & Retention

There has been a notable proliferation in employees re-evaluating their workplace and defining what they want a workplace to represent, as home and work have blended in many cases. Job...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
People & Culture
Event Recording

10 August 2022

VIC | Trust Audit 2022

Hear from two highly experienced trust account external examiners as they take you through some real-life case studies, and explain what the LSB is really focused on. What are the...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Financial Management
Event Recording

14 July 2022

Leadership Presence in Presentations

Do people take the actions you want them to take when you speak to groups? James Freemantle will challenge you to find layers of meaning and provide the structure that...
Professional Skills, New Zealand CPD
Event Recording

21 June 2022

Aus & NZ | Economic Update FY23

Besa Deda, Chief Economist. Westpac Business Bank will provide an economic update for FY23 across Australia and New Zealand. This webinar will cover: Global backdrop Australia: outlook, growth, rates and...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Financial Management
Event Recording

21 June 2022

Burnout Prevention & Recovery

The World Health Organisation has referred to stress and burnout as the ‘health epidemic of the 21st century’. This interactive engaging workshop is led by a woman who has walked...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
People & Culture
Event Recording

20 June 2022

What is the Passwordless Future?

Despite the creation of the first passwords 60 years ago, they are still the most common way we authenticate across our daily lives today.  As our lives have become more...
Technology & Knowledge
Event Recording

8 June 2022

Risk & Practice Management Essentials for Firm Success

This session will discuss the important role of good legal practice management in running a successful law firm. It is based on the Legal Practitioners Liability Committee’s (LPLC) Legal Practice...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
Event Recording

6 June 2022

Leading Hybrid High Performing Teams

Let’s unpack the challenges facing today’s hybrid and remote working teams… working and learning off-site communicating and collaborating online in-sync – together with others at the same time and at...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
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