on-demand learning centre.

Access, replay and share the knowledge and insights delivered across our entire learning and development program at any time.
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Event Recording

22 October 2019

Sustainable Wellbeing for You, Your Team & Your Organisation

Using a powerful framework to identify what is going well and the opportunities for positive change Organisations expect leaders to have well-developed skills in people leadership, emotional intelligence, stakeholder relationships,...
People & Culture
Event Recording

22 May 2019

#me too: Sexual Harassment in the Legal Industry

Topics covered are based on the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 will include the law as to sexual harassment, employers’ responsibilities, developing a culture to minimise sexual harassment in the workplace,...
People & Culture
Event Recording

22 May 2019

Wellness Warrior Resilience Program

Intended to help those in the legal profession flourish personally as well as professionally, the Wellness Warrior Resilience Program© supports professionals to increase their resilience to life’s inevitable difficult times...
People & Culture
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