on-demand learning centre.

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Event Recording

15 June 2023

ALPMA Legal Solutions Presentation

Legal Solutions Presentation – exploring pain points in your firm How can the strategic implementation of appropriate practice technology enhance law firms’ operations, profitability, growth, client experience, and talent retention?...
Technology & Knowledge
Event Recording

20 May 2023

Mind Your Mojo: Presilience for High-Achieving Professionals

In this interactive workshop, participants are invited to consider their ‘presilience’, how they can prevent the need to bounce back (to be resilient) from life’s inevitable stresses. Highlighting why a...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
People & Culture
Event Recording

19 May 2023

Building Your Law Firms Tech Stack

Leveraging our expertise with practice management solutions, Actionstep will outline how to design a well-rounded tech stack for a modern mid-market firm. Explore how practice and document management systems should...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Technology & Knowledge
Event Recording

28 April 2023

Strengthening Your Identity for Effective Personal Leadership

To become a great leader in law, you need to work on the way you see yourself and your ability to present your authentic self to others. Your performance is...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Event Recording

28 April 2023

Now Is the Time to Get Tech Enabled

Been saying you should look at technology solutions but never found the right time? The good news is that there has never been a better time and you can do...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Technology & Knowledge
Event Recording

21 April 2023

Interview with an Ethical Hacker

Do you have the responsibility for cyber insurance in your firm?Do you know how to access your firms IT security?Do you know what questions you should be asking your IT...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Technology & Knowledge
Event Recording

18 April 2023

Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile

With 12.7 million Australians using LinkedIn, it is under-utilised by the legal profession despite being the online professional network of choice for lawyers.One of the most important elements about having...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Business Development & Marketing
Event Recording

18 April 2023

Digital Law – Module 1: Emerging Technology 101

Emerging tech has an ever expanding market size, with estimates ranging in the billions to trillions over the next 5-10 years. By way of example, AI could be worth AU$22.17...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Technology & Knowledge
Event Recording

18 April 2023

Digital Law – Module 2: DAOs, Digital Assets & Crypto

Are Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs) the next big thing in the crypto community or too risky to be involved in? ASIC Chair, Joe Longo, in 2021, admitted to a certain...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Technology & Knowledge
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