on-demand learning centre.

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Event Recording

28 May 2019

Using Technology in Your Law Firm: A Non-Geek’s Guide

The webinar is a non-geek’s guide to practical steps you can take that require little or no capital outlay but will improve the way you work, your client’s satisfaction with...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Technology & Knowledge
Event Recording

22 May 2019

Budgeting: It’s more than just playing with numbers!

Every year, law firms spend weeks (and sometimes months) planning for the year ahead. Exporting data. Building spreadsheets. Having meetings. More spreadsheets. Conducting performance reviews. Assessing Hourly Rates. Discussing expectations....
Financial Management
Event Recording

22 May 2019

Leadership – Are you a leader worth following?

Presented by Melinda (Midja) Fisher, this session discusses why leadership matters now more than ever in our profession. We need a different leadership culture, one which is agile, innovative and...
Event Recording

22 May 2019

How To Win Work Without Selling

Most professionals don’t become lawyers to sell; yet at some point in their career they are required to help win work as part of their role in the success of...
Business Development & Marketing
Event Recording

22 May 2019

Wellness Warrior Resilience Program

Intended to help those in the legal profession flourish personally as well as professionally, the Wellness Warrior Resilience Program© supports professionals to increase their resilience to life’s inevitable difficult times...
People & Culture
Event Recording

22 May 2019

New Law + Established Law

The requirement to manage legal risk no longer necessarily entails the need for a law firm. It also no longer automatically results in a lawyer being consulted. Clients now have...
Strategy & Innovation
Event Recording

22 May 2019

Light, Love & Leverage: Marketing in the Modern World

Take a hard look at Australian business; the recent Royal Commission into financial services; our politics in Australia — and world-wide; the loss of many of the values upon which...
Business Development & Marketing
Event Recording

22 May 2019

#me too: Sexual Harassment in the Legal Industry

Topics covered are based on the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 will include the law as to sexual harassment, employers’ responsibilities, developing a culture to minimise sexual harassment in the workplace,...
People & Culture
Event Recording

4 April 2019

Ethics & Cybersecurity

CyberRisk is a big issue for all businesses. But lawyers have ethical and professional responsibilities that must also be considered. Are you doing enough? Do you know your obligations?  ...
Ethics and Professional Responsibility, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
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