on-demand learning centre.

Access, replay and share the knowledge and insights delivered across our entire learning and development program at any time.
array(3) { [0]=> object(WP_Term)#47125 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(129) ["name"]=> string(6) "Bundle" ["slug"]=> string(6) "bundle" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(129) ["taxonomy"]=> string(4) "type" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(155) ["count"]=> int(18) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [1]=> object(WP_Term)#47124 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(127) ["name"]=> string(15) "Event Recording" ["slug"]=> string(15) "event-recording" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(127) ["taxonomy"]=> string(4) "type" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(155) ["count"]=> int(183) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } [2]=> object(WP_Term)#47127 (10) { ["term_id"]=> int(155) ["name"]=> string(9) "On-Demand" ["slug"]=> string(9) "on-demand" ["term_group"]=> int(0) ["term_taxonomy_id"]=> int(155) ["taxonomy"]=> string(4) "type" ["description"]=> string(0) "" ["parent"]=> int(0) ["count"]=> int(2) ["filter"]=> string(3) "raw" } }
Event Recording

4 April 2019

Ethics & Cybersecurity

CyberRisk is a big issue for all businesses. But lawyers have ethical and professional responsibilities that must also be considered. Are you doing enough? Do you know your obligations?  ...
Ethics and Professional Responsibility, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
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