on-demand learning centre.

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Event Recording

29 April 2021

VIC | Understanding Cyber Risks for Law Firms

We have all noticed an increase in attempted cyber fraud since we started working remotely. Many of us may have even unwittingly fallen for a sophisticated ruse. It takes more...
Practice Management and Business Skills
Operational Management
Event Recording

22 April 2021

WA | The Transition of the WA Legal Profession to the Legal Profession Uniform Law

The Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Bill 2020 (WA), when passed, is expected to commence in Western Australia early 2022. At this stage, a commencement date is not known as...
Operational Management
Event Recording

22 April 2021

Cyber Risks & Insurance – Understanding Your Risks & Protection Options

Would you know what to do if a cyber attack occurs in your firm? Do you understand the impact a cyber breach would have? Are you covered for a cyber...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
Event Recording

22 April 2021

NSW | Trust Money – Common Pitfalls 2021

This session will provide an overview of common problems that occur from the handling of trust money by law practices, including suggestions for avoiding them.  The session is presented by...
Practice Management and Business Skills
Financial Management
Event Recording

20 April 2021

NZ | Salary & HR Issues Report Discussion 2021

Every year we conduct a Salary and HR Issues Survey of NZ law firms. This year, 115 law firms (representing 2,992 staff) participated in our New Zealand survey, making it...
New Zealand CPD
People & Culture
Event Recording

1 April 2021

Do More With Digital: Digitisation for Greater Client Engagement

Do you have a digital strategy, but you are overwhelmed by the options and don’t know where to start?  Do you have an idea for a digital solution that will...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Technology & Knowledge
Event Recording

17 March 2021

Expert Panel | Navigating a New Way of Working

Have your staff become used to working from home? Do they relish the opportunity to return to the office or are they facing it with dread and reluctance?  So many...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
Event Recording

25 February 2021

NZ | Trust Accounts Update 2021

Philip Strang will share all his experience around compliance issues regarding handling client money with us. This webinar will traverse the essentials of the NZ regulatory framework regarding client monies;...
New Zealand CPD
Financial Management
Event Recording

19 February 2021

Expert Panel | COVID – Learnings on Leadership & Adapting to Rapid Change

The pandemic and the subsequent events that followed across the globe have impacted organisations in ways we could not have foreseen. It has influenced every aspect of our professional lives...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
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