7 November 2024
Finding the Rainmaker Within
Event Recording
23 September 2019
Today’s market for legal services makes it challenging for firms to survive, let alone thrive. And the signs only seem to point in one direction suggesting that the easy day was yesterday.
Facing this uncertain future, many firms have sought to replicate their rainmakers, to buy new rainmakers, or to build them from scratch. Yet, the results still fall short of our hopes because we continue to overlook one major opportunity: that inside every lawyer is a budding rainmaker, just waiting to be let out.
In this interactive presentation Wayne will give you a peek in the window about the mindset tips and tricks lawyers can use to help find, and unleash, the rainmaker that lies within. He will help you understand the importance of mindset, mental toughness and authenticity in helping lawyers to successfully win, retain and grow clients. He will also provide you with a number of real world examples and initiatives that you can use to help increase the growth of your firm immediately.
Provided by
Wayne Stewart
Director at Monte Rosa
Since 2000, Wayne Stewart has been working with lawyers across the world, helping them to build successful, profitable, and sustainable practices. He has consulted to small firms, global firms, and every type of firm in between.
Since 2012 Wayne has focused his efforts on preparing lawyers for partnership and in this time he has assisted more than 20 lawyers to successfully navigate the selection process, to establish themselves as partners, and to build enviable client bases that have underwritten their business cases for equity.
While he is truly a BD nerd at heart, Wayne’s advice is practical and easy to implement. As the leader of a large Australian firm once remarked “What I like about Wayne is that when I take him a problem, and after he explains the answer to me, I realise that I already knew it.”
Outside of the professions Wayne’s insights are regularly sort by many leading brands including Google, The Disney Corporation, The World Bank, and Rabobank.