17 December 2024
Budgeting: It’s more than just playing with numbers!
Event Recording
22 May 2019
Every year, law firms spend weeks (and sometimes months) planning for the year ahead. Exporting data. Building spreadsheets. Having meetings. More spreadsheets. Conducting performance reviews. Assessing Hourly Rates. Discussing expectations. Yet more spreadsheets! Then importing the result into the Practice Management System. Running reports. Analysing performance. And, in some (many?) firms, having done all that work, promptly ignoring the reports because, “the budget is wrong”. Or “it’s not my budget. I didn’t agree to that”. Or, “you don’t understand. Things have changed!”.
If that all sounds familiar, then this seminar is for you.
With nearly 20 years working into Professional Services firms, Steve will go through ways to make sure that the budget process produces realistic outcomes that are ‘owned’ and that will assist you and the firm to react to the year ahead as it unfolds, in likely unexpected ways.
Provided by
Steve Sampson
Principal Consultant at Steve Sampson Consulting
ALPMA Life Member
Steve Sampson is an experienced change-agent in the professional services space having been CEO, COO, General Manager and now Consultant into the legal profession. Steve is a member of the NSW ALPMA Committee, has held roles as National President, National Treasurer and was recently recognised as a Life Member of the association. Steve holds a B.Ec., an MBA and is a Fellow of both CPA Australia and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.