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Steve Sampson
Steve Sampson
Director | Steve Sampson Consulting
My primary focus is on assisting Professional Services and other associated service businesses to grow and improve profits but my broad experience base also lends itself to providing valuable and useful assistance to businesses in other fields as well.
Services provided span from assisting Boards and senior management with high-level business planning support through to assisting, where needed, in the day to day operations of those businesses, be it on a regular, project or interim basis across a range of areas of management (Finance, BD, HR, IT).
Steve Sampson is an experienced change-agent in the professional services space having been CEO, COO, General Manager and now Consultant into the legal profession. Steve is a member of the ALPMA, has held roles as National President, National Treasurer and was recently recognised as a Life Member of the association. Steve holds a B.Ec., an MBA and is a Fellow of both CPA Australia and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Committee Terms
Life Member Since 2017
ALPMA Member Since 3/1/2003
Reflecting on the last 20+ years as a Member of ALPMA, I can honestly say that if not for ALPMA, my career in the legal profession would not have taken the turns that it did. Immensely positive turns!
I joined ALPMA as a 'newbie' in 2003 after a corporate career and only a brief prior stint in professional services. ALPMA afforded me the education and tools needed to understand, navigate and 'survive' the profession as one of the 'non-professionals' (Ugh!) working in a law firm.
Being a member of ALPMA gave me the opportunities to network, learn and mentor with fellow colleagues in similar management roles in law firms and over the years, many (many!) of those conections have continued - and deepened -- allowing me access into the profession at a level that would not otherwise have been open to me. I am truly humbled to have had, and continue to have, that access -- and to count many of those colleagues as trusted friends.
If you're serious about your career in the legal profession, I cannot recommend ALPMA highly enough. Join! Join in! Attend meetings! Network! Talk to our Sponsor/Partners! Join a Committee! Join the National Board! There are so, so many opportunities to grow once you become involved.
I can honestly say that the more you put in, the more you will get out of it. And, above all, don't be afraid to reach out to your colleagues for advice and support. You'll be glad that you did!