Time’s Up! From Transactional to Relational: The Concierge Lawyer


7 February 2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm AEDT


1 hr

Ron Baker

TopicFinancial Management
CPD1 - Practice Management and Business Skills
1 - New Zealand CPD

PricingAUD $149
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Presented by

Ron Baker, VeraSage Institute

Featured Partner

The world is moving from products and services to subscriptions, favouring access and transformations over ownership and deliverables. The advantages of a subscription model are many, including: Predictable revenue; not selling services, but creating annuities with a lifetime value that far exceeds whatever you paid to acquire them; collective knowledge of your customers, which is a competitive advantage that cannot be duplicated; the customer relationship is at the center of the firm; not pricing a product or service, but rather a series of customer transformations; it is easier to predict demand and plan capacity more effectively; results in a higher valued firm at exit. For the customer, it provides peace of mind, convenience, recurring value, and a frictionless experience.

Learning Objectives 

  • Identify strategies utilized by businesses that have made the transition to a subscription-based model 
  • Plussing your offering—only uncommon services command premium pricing 
  •  The Revenue Question: What are you asking your customers to pay for? 
  •  Pricing the relationship and the portfolio 
  •  The three strategies to pivot to the subscription business model

Implementing a subscription business model for firms is hard work and not for everyone because it requires professionals to think differently than they have in the past about what it is, exactly, that customers value and what you are asking them to pay for. Join Ron Baker, founder of VeraSage Institute, and author of Time’s Up!: The Subscription Business Model for Professional Firms, for a thought-provoking session on why and how the subscription business model will be the firm of the future. 

Presented by

Ron Baker
Founder at VeraSage Institute

Author & Radio Talk-Show Host, The Soul of Enterprise

Ronald J. Baker started his CPA career in 1984 with KPMG’s Private Business Advisory Services in San Francisco. Today, he is the founder of VeraSage Institute—the leading think tank dedicated to educating professionals internationally—and radio talk-show host on the www.VoiceAmerica.com show: The Soul of Enterprise: Business in the Knowledge Economy.

Ron has authored seven best-selling books, including: The Firm of the Future; Pricing on Purpose; Measure What Matters to Customers; and Implementing Value Pricing. His forthcoming book, co-authored with Paul Dunn, Time’s Up!: The Subscription Business Model for Professional Firms, will be published in December 2022.

Ron has toured the world, spreading his value-pricing message to over 275,000 professionals. He has been named on Accounting Today’s 2001-2007, and 2011-2021 Top 100 and Top 10 Most Influential People in the profession; and inducted into the CPA Practice Advisor Hall of Fame in 2018. He is a faculty member of the Professional Pricing Society. He presently resides in Petaluma, California.

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