Management of Risk within Law Firms


23 August 2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm NZST


1 hrs

Richard Greenaway
Helen Scott

TopicOperational Management,
Technology & Knowledge
CPD1 - New Zealand CPD

PricingNZD $79
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Presented by

Richard Greenaway, Anderson Lloyd
Helen Scott, Anderson Lloyd

 Join Helen Scott, Head of Risk and Compliance, and Richard Greenaway, CEO, from Anderson Lloyd, who will introduce key aspects of law firm risk management and consider a methodology to assist firms develop their own individual plans.

Covering a wide range of topics, you will leave with a high-level understanding of key risks as Helen and Richard delve into:
Strategic Risk

  • Cyber
  • Professional Indemnity

 Designed for anyone who deals with Risk Management within a firm; GMs, CEOs, Practice Managers, Compliance Officers, Risk Managers, Partners


Presented by

Richard Greenaway
CEO at Anderson Lloyd

Richard is an experienced senior executive, with extensive expertise across the professional and financial services industries, both within New Zealand and Australia. He joined Anderson Lloyd as Chief Executive in 2012, while his experience in financial services includes senior positions within retail banking, business banking, property finance and human resources.

Richard strongly believes in building a sustainable business and achieving excellent results through maintaining a long-term strategic focus and emphasis on the balance between clients, staff, community and the shareholder.

He has a passion for delivering excellent client service, and for ensuring a business’s focus remains on adding value to its client base and finding, for itself, a unique position in the market.

Richard was named Managing Partner of the Year (≤ 100 lawyers) at the 2018 NZ Law Awards and named Managing Partner of the Year (>100 lawyers) at the 2021 NZ Law Awards.

Helen Scott
Head of Risk and Compliance at Anderson Lloyd

Helen is our Head of Risk and Compliance and is based out of our Dunedin office.  She has played a key role in developing Anderson Lloyd’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) industry leading response to regulatory requirements and risk programme.

Prior to moving into this role, Helen has worked within our Property and Personal Client and Litigation Teams where she primarily worked on estate, trust, ecclesiastical and insurance law. In addition Helen has worked extensively in risk management and insurance and professional indemnity matters.

Helen has a forthright approach and believes humour is an important part of client relationships when coping with stressful situations. She has significant dispute resolution experience, with a particular focus on finding a solution to problems before they get to court.

Helen has worked for Anderson Lloyd since 2000 and has been a board member of Presbyterian Support Otago since 2007.

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