21 July 2019
Technology & Knowledge
Legal technology | Systems management | Cyber security | Knowledge management | Automation | Document management
Event Recording

Event Recording

28 May 2019
Using Technology in Your Law Firm: A Non-Geek’s Guide
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD

13 May 2019
What Is the Real Cost of the Printed Page?
It has now been almost four years since I stood at a multi-function printer overlooking the Brisbane River at about 7pm, running off several copies of a brief to Counsel. It was most certainly not my first, but it definitely was my last!
Matthew Hollings, Law In Order

13 May 2019
Easing the Pain of Documentation
Whether your firm is a large legal organisation or a small practice, there is no escaping documentation. It permeates through all aspects of a legal firm - from case matters and general communication to IT, marketing, resources and finance. What’s more, the constant ebb and flow of document creation is usually time consuming and costly. But technology can ease much of the documentation pain.
Sunil Sharma, Kofax

1 April 2019
The Evidence Collector That Is Always with You
One of your staff members has been accused of stalking and harassing a fellow staff member. What steps do you take to secure the potential evidence that is located on their work mobile and what type of evidence would you find?
David Kerstjens, Law In Order

7 January 2019
Late for the Sky – Legal Tech & the Cloud
Welcome to the industry of law, where revenue is based on inputs rather than outputs. The industry’s cost-plus model guarantees a profit at the expense of clients. For decades, this model has worked while firms tinkered with technology around the edges, stuck to traditional methods and prospered. And clients paid for it all without question.
Philip Scorgie, AdvoLogix

19 April 2017
Digitisation of the Property Transaction Ecosystem
In 2008 the government launched their National Seamless Economy initiative which aimed to improve production and efficiencies to achieve a strong, consistent approach in business—including for the property market. Digitisation was a key tool employed to achieve this.

20 February 2017
Cybersecurity Threats & Why You Should Care?
In the early days, Hackers were largely motivated by recognition within their peer-group circles—generally by making a splash in the mainstream press. As such, impacts tended to be highly visible and disruptive in a short term.