Operational Management

Operations | Process improvement | Facilities management, leasing, renovations | Project management | Change management | Risk management | Business administration and management

Event Recording

25 February 2020

Mental Health: Professional Responsibility & Ethical Issues

Research shows that the lawyers are more at risk of mental health issues than the general population.  There is increasing attention toward this topic and support for those affected. This...
Ethics and Professional Responsibility, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
Event Recording

23 February 2020

Three Different Types of Planning

Legal firm strategy — The planning process starts well before the planning day. A plan for strategy planning — how practice managers can influence strategic thinking, set the firm up...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management

21 October 2019

2019 Regional Law Firm Management Forum: Singapore – Presentations

Attendees of the Forum can download presentations from some speakers.

SAL - Singapore Academy of Law
Singapore Academy of Law
FCW Lawyers
Operational Management
Operational Management

16 October 2019

The ABC of Practice Management Systems: Full Series

In this series of articles Anthony Ridley‐Smith sets out to help any Practice Manager, in any environment and with any technology, enhance their existing systems or ditch the whole thing and start again!

Event Recording

14 October 2019

William Buck’s Journey to an Agile & Paperless Office

In this session Fi Slaven will share with us the journey they have been on at William Buck to becoming a more agile firm. This has included a move to...
Operational Management
Event Recording

25 September 2019

12 Commandments to Organisational Success

Simon has been involved in many different organisations – businesses of all sizes, professional sports clubs, associations and not-for-profits. Drawing on this experience he has analysed the key components of...
Operational Management
Event Recording

14 June 2019

Threshold – Evolution of Legal Workplaces

Simon Pole, Design Director at Unispace, share his insights into the current trends in the legal workplace. Simon is an expert in workplace design innovation and he has much to...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
Event Recording

4 April 2019

Ethics & Cybersecurity

CyberRisk is a big issue for all businesses. But lawyers have ethical and professional responsibilities that must also be considered. Are you doing enough? Do you know your obligations?  ...
Ethics and Professional Responsibility, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management

12 November 2018

Five Things You Need to Know About the Australian Solicitors Conduct Rules

If you’re not a solicitor, you don’t need to know about the Australian Solicitors Conduct Rules (ASCR), right? Well, actually, no. The ASCR (which have now been adopted in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory) affect the way in which solicitors work in a number of ways which are also critical to the management of legal practices.

Angus Macinnis
Angus Macinnis, StevensVuaran Lawyers
Operational Management
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