Operational Management

Operations | Process improvement | Facilities management, leasing, renovations | Project management | Change management | Risk management | Business administration and management

Operational Management

16 June 2022

Information Governance 101

As a proud member of InfoGovANZ, TIMG values the contribution of the community of information governance professionals in Australia and NZ. The information landscape we are operating in is complex and rapidly changing. A quick glance at the current news headlines, highlights the challenges that organisations are dealing with, be it cyber-attacks, data breaches, or privacy regulations...

John Porter, TIMG
John Porter, TIMG
Operational Management
Event Recording

8 June 2022

Risk & Practice Management Essentials for Firm Success

This session will discuss the important role of good legal practice management in running a successful law firm. It is based on the Legal Practitioners Liability Committee’s (LPLC) Legal Practice...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
Event Recording

4 May 2022

Considerations When Setting Your Firm’s Remuneration Targets

Setting accurate remuneration targets is a challenge for all firms regardless of their size or specialty.  Because of this, many firms review their historical revenue and set their target accordingly,...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
Event Recording

24 November 2021

Expert Panel | Workplace Vaccination Q&A

Much uncertainty surrounds what can and can’t be mandated for workplace vaccination. Our expert panel answered questions relating to workplace vaccination on Thursday 18 November 2021. Join our Panel of...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
Event Recording

23 November 2021

NZ | AML Update 2021

Anti-Money Laundering legislation has been in effect for law firms since 2018. We thought it would be a good idea to review our processes and find out what has changed...
Practice Management and Business Skills, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
Event Recording

15 November 2021

The In’s & Out’s of Leasing: All you need to know in Melbourne

In our ever-changing landscape it’s hard to know which way to go with our office space these days. Join our expert, Marcus Tanti of Savills, who will be sharing his...
Practice Management and Business Skills
Operational Management
Event Recording

21 October 2021

NZ | Vaccinations in the Workplace – What do you think?

NZ Vaccination Survey Results Discussion Join us for a discussion about vaccinations in the workplace, the issues relating to Privacy and Workplace Health & Safety, and the results of the...
New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
ALPMA Research Legal People Productivity Survey 2021

16 September 2021

The 2021 BigHand Legal Workflow Management Report – Key Findings

Thanks to BigHand, who conducted a global Legal Workflow Management survey in May 2021, we now have a better understanding of how firms were impacted by the pandemic with a comprehensive report outlining the global measures seen and the steps firms have taken to combat these challenges as a result. 

Emma Elliott
Emma Elliott, ALPMA
Operational Management
Event Recording

3 June 2021

Commercial Property Update – June 2021

It’s a great time to be a commercial tenant in Australia Whilst traditionally the commercial property market has operated broadly based on a typical supply/demand curve, Australia is currently experiencing...
Practice Management and Business Skills
Operational Management
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