Operational Management

Operations | Process improvement | Facilities management, leasing, renovations | Project management | Change management | Risk management | Business administration and management

Event Recording

28 September 2023

Ethics First: Empowering Lawyers and Managers for Ethical Practice

In today’s complex legal landscape, practicing law ethically is of utmost importance. Law firms require effective practice management to ensure ethical standards are upheld, both for lawyers and the practice...
Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Operational Management
Event Recording

28 September 2023

Management of Risk in Law Firms

Helen Scott, Head of Risk and Compliance, and Richard Greenaway, CEO, from Anderson Lloyd,  introduce key aspects of law firm risk management and consider a methodology to assist firms develop...
New Zealand CPD
Operational Management
Event Recording

30 November 2022

Proactive conflict management: beyond the conflict check

To establish and maintain proactive conflict management, we must first understand and be able to identify conflicts.  We cannot check for what we cannot recognise.  Once we understand conflicts, we...
Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Operational Management
Event Recording

24 March 2023

Ethics Hypothetical: What would you do?

All law firm staff have an impact and responsibility to conduct themselves in an ethical manner.  An understanding of conduct rules can inform and improve positive behaviours across the whole...
Ethics and Professional Responsibility, New Zealand CPD
Operational Management

3 April 2023

Exploring a solution to the DX closure

The DX Mail service is wrapping up for good, leaving practices without a reliable alternative. Learn about how MailPlus can help you solve this problem.

Luke Forbes, MailPlus
Operational Management
Lady in business jacket typing at desktop computer

30 March 2023

Top 10 Tips to Optimize Your Law Firm’s Client Intake Process

Your law firm’s client intake process lays the groundwork for nurturing the firm’s most important driver of success: client relationships.

Operational Management
Lady in a red jacket, with glasses, sitting at a laptop

23 February 2023

Lawyer Mental Health and Wellness Part 2

Lawyer burnout can be costly for law firms and the individuals who experience it. Here, we discuss five ways that your law firm can use technology to alleviate some of these issues and minimize stress.

Operational Management
Woman sitting at desk appearing stressed

14 February 2023

Lawyer Mental Health and Wellness Part 1

Lawyers’ mental health has only recently become a priority in many law firms. Meanwhile, lawyers have experienced some of the highest rates of stress, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse disorders compared to other professions.

Operational Management
Lady in a green top, with a black jacket presenting at a meeting.

18 December 2022

How to Find a Champion for Your Law Firm’s Technology Project

All too often, law firm technology projects fail to launch, grind to a standstill, or run over budget. Why does this happen time and again? You might be missing a critical component that can help your firm cross the finish line when adopting new tech: a project champion.

Operational Management
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