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Protect your business with Sensitivity Labels this Cyber Smart Week!
Keep confidential files safe with encryption and MFA.

Have you ever been lying awake at night and considered that it’s “not if my business gets hacked, it’s when”, and started catastrophising about what would happen when you do?

Imagine, if you will, all your confidential documents being uploaded to some nefarious corner of the Internet. What would you do in this situation?

Well…Sensitivity Labels are here to help!

Think of Sensitivity Labels as digital stickers that you can place on your documents and emails to indicate how sensitive they are. Just like you might label a file folder as “Confidential” or “Personal,” you can do the same with your Microsoft Office documents and communications.

We can put rules around these labels so, for example, we might say that anything with a “Confidential” label can only be opened by members of your organisation. If a document with this label finds its way into the wrong hands – you can relax(ish).

Because the file is encrypted with a sensitivity label it won’t open without the proper authentication. Opening the file will bring you to a Microsoft login page where you’re asked for your username, password and MFA (multi-factor authentication). If you can’t login with a valid username and password then you can’t access the content – end of story!

The beauty of this system is the username and password it asks for is over the Internet. This means if your password was stolen but you are able to reset it, then the old password just won’t work! All of the other policies that govern your Microsoft security also apply here – this means if you have a policy that restricts logins to New Zealand, then guess what? The file just won’t open in another country.

In the past you may have put an old-school password on your Excel spreadsheet and you may be thinking to yourself “isn’t this the same thing?” – well a little bit, but also no: if someone leaves your business and has an axe to grind they probably know that spreadsheet password. Once a copy of it has been taken you can’t change that password retrospectively. With Sensitivity Labels you just disable their account and that’s it! No more accessing that file!

So how much does this fantastic system cost though? Well the great thing is you’ve probably already got the basics included in your Microsoft licensing – it’s just not turned on!

Stratos can help you with getting going with Sensitivity Labels. From ensuring you’re correctly licensed for the level of functionality you need, to adopting an implementation framework that suits your business. There are a mountain of options for Sensitivity Labels and we’re here to help!


Simon Langford
Operations Manager at Stratos Technology Partners
Simon has been working in the IT industry for over 26 years, with a passion for delivery of technology-based outcomes.  Simon brings a range of experience in the technology industry, ranging from Consulting, Architect to Operations.

Contact Simon on email or Simon Langford | LinkedIn




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