John Porter

Businessman working modern compter Document Management System (DMS),Virtual online documentation database and process automation to efficiently manage files, knowledge and documentation in enterprise with ERP.

20 June 2022

Technology Improves Efficiency

No one does eDiscovery because it’s fun. It’s a process, so if there's a defensible way to streamline it, shouldn’t we be jumping at the opportunity? The last two years of the global pandemic has been an eye-opening experience to many. We could still service our clients at the level to which they have grown accustomed, we could still meet deadlines, and we could do it from the comfort of our own home.

John Porter, TIMG
John Porter, TIMG
Technology & Knowledge
Operational Management

16 June 2022

Information Governance 101

As a proud member of InfoGovANZ, TIMG values the contribution of the community of information governance professionals in Australia and NZ. The information landscape we are operating in is complex and rapidly changing. A quick glance at the current news headlines, highlights the challenges that organisations are dealing with, be it cyber-attacks, data breaches, or privacy regulations...

John Porter, TIMG
John Porter, TIMG
Operational Management