Loose Threads: Why Communication Can Unravel Your Cultural Fabric

Event Recording

2 September 2021

TypeEvent Recording
CPD1 - Practice Management and Business Skills
1 - New Zealand CPD

PricingAUD $79
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Associate MemberAUD $39.50

This session focuses on the centrality of communication to law firm culture and leadership.  If culture is represented by informal norms in the workplace, leadership enforces these norms, for better or worse. The way we communicate with each other in the workplace underpins culture and leadership, which in turn drives staff engagement and output.

Yet communication is often given less weight than hard metrics like billables and performance.  So, communication is at best loose, at worst destructive.

This webinar will cover:

  • Articulating the desired culture of your firm and aligning these with legal business models
  • Communicating to fit the situation – essential skills and adapting to your audience
  • Understanding how to use communication to lead people

Provided by

Dr Rachel Baird
Director at IcebergSRC

Rachel has a deep understanding of the legal industry. She draws upon private practice (small and national firms), in-house and in-firm support role experience.  Rachel’s experience outside the legal sector includes leading diverse national teams and advising boards on best practice governance.  Rachel currently sits on several boards across sports, NFP and natural resources and runs a leadership and governance consultancy called IcebergSRC.  Rachel’s hands-on experience is supported by her commitment to thought leadership via research and publications and teaching across several universities.

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