20 March 2025
2024 ALPMA/Fluid Legal Recruitment NZ HR Issues & Salary Survey Sample Report
The most comprehensive study of salaries and remuneration within New Zealand law firms
The 2024 ALPMA/Fluid Legal Recruitment New Zealand HR Issues & Salary Survey was conducted in early 2024, with the final report released in April. Nearly 150 law offices (representing over 4,000 staff) participated in our New Zealand survey, making it the most comprehensive, independent HR and remuneration study across all roles (including actual salaries paid) within the New Zealand legal industry.
This free summary report provides an overview of the contents within the larger 100+ page 2024 report, including:
- Key Findings
- Methodology
- Firm participation profiles: location, size etc
- Employment profile of participating firms including: position groups, typical fee earner/staff composition
- Market insights from our Survey Partner: Fluid Legal Recruitment
- A detailed list of the positions for which salary data has been collected in 2022
- A detailed list of the number of staff per position
Why purchase the report?
Purchasing the full report to receive in-depth insight into:
- current and future issues in HR
- staffing profiles and roles
- recruitment experiences from the last 12 months
- recruitment intentions and projections for the coming year
- firm & individual benefits and entitlements
- anticipated salary increases and bonus structures
- current salary data — from Graduates to Equity Partners (and everything in between)
Purchasing the full report also provides immediate access to interactive salary data table.
Not only does this comprehensive report provide you with up-to-date information and data, with which to benchmark your firm against various HR metrics, but firms can also access our new interactive salary data tables. Quickly search the salary data by position, sort by average salary, and see how wages have changed over time with this new online tool.