16 October 2024
NZLS Focus and Objectives 2023 / 2024
Event Recording
15 March 2023
New Zealand ALPMA Committee and New Zealand Law Society President, Frazer Barton, discusses some key challenges in the coming 12-24 months. Focusing on:
· Financial Sustainability
· Independent Review
· Legal Business Structures
The NZLS's key concerns are the rule of law and access to justice and ensuring it remains highly relevant to its members. This Webinar will discuss those aspects and provide the opportunity to discuss these with the new NZLS President, and some of the New Zealand ALPMA Committee. This webinar aims to provide its audience with an understanding of the NZLS's priorities and what it provides to its members.
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Frazer Barton
Frazer Barton is a Partner at Anderson Lloyd and heads the Otago litigation team. He was on the Anderson Lloyd Board for 16 years. Frazer was the Chair of Partners at Anderson Lloyd from 2002 to 2004 and again from April 2015 to 2021. He has always been a litigation specialist, enjoying the challenge of court work and advocacy.
Frazer has appeared at all levels of the law, from District Court to Privy Council and Supreme Court, and his many cases include those that have established important principles of law.
Frazer’s litigation experience includes civil, quasi-criminal, insurance (with a professional indemnity emphasis), insolvency, commercial disputes, Family Protection and estates.
Frazer has a First Class Honours Degree in Law from the University of Otago, specialising in the area of public law. He was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor in January 1985, and became a Partner in Anderson Lloyd’s predecessor firm in 1988.
Frazer is the President of the New Zealand Law Society Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa, a member and former chairman of the Board of Presbyterian Support Otago, a former President of the Otago Branch of the New Zealand Law Society, and a faculty member of the New Zealand Law Society Litigation Skills Programme. He is a member of the Council of the University of Otago and chairs its Appeals Board and Health and Safety Committee. Frazer is also a member of the New Zealand Insurance Law Association, and the Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association of New Zealand (RITANZ). Frazer is recommended for his expertise in Litigation Law by the ‘Best Lawyers’ rankings.